Intimate Partner Violence:
Identification and Initial Response Clinical Audit
The Safer Families Centre has developed a clinical audit CPD activity for GPs on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Identification and Initial Response. The activity aims to provide a better understanding of IPV and how to identify and ask patients about it. GPs will also strengthen their capacity to identify barriers to asking about IPV and how to overcome those barriers. The activity also attracts up to 10 RACGP CPD hours in Measuring Outcomes for GPs.
This Full Clinical Audit is designed to give GPs an opportunity to implement learnings from their initial data analysis and review if those changes have been effective, and to identify any additional barriers that may present even with those changes.
Both audits have been accredited with the RACGP and ACCRM CPD hours.
Learn more about why the IPV clinical audit is valuable for GPs:
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Download the IPV Clinical Audit here.
The clinical audit has been designed to be easy to use and navigate and is fully accredited by the RACGP as a CPD audit activity.
There are two versions of the audit available.
A mini audit that is comprised of 3 steps (approximately 7 hours to complete):
Step 1: Preparation & Planning
Step 2: Data collection
Step 3: Data analysis
Mini audit:
ACRRM CPD activity total 7 hours for the mini audit- 1 hours Educational Activity (EA) and 6 hours Measuring Outcomes (MO).
A full audit that is comprised of 4 steps (approximately 13 hours to complete):
Step 1: Preparation & Planning
Step 2: Data collection
Step 3: Data analysis
Step 4: Repeat data collection and analysis
Full audit:
ACRRM CPD activity total 13 hours for the full audit- 1 hours Educational Activity (EA), 10 hours Measuring Outcomes (MO) and 2 hours Reviewing Performance (RP).