I-DECIDE About My Relationship


An Online Healthy Relationship Tool & Safety Decision Aid for Women Experiencing Domestic Violence


Project Leads

Kelsey Hegarty & Laura Tarzia


What was the I-DECIDE project about?

The I-DECIDE project was a safe, private online space for women to access support.

Domestic violence is a major problem in Australia. One in four women have experienced abuse at the hands of a partner. Services often struggle to meet the demand, and some women go unsupported. On the other hand, some women are reluctant to disclose to anyone, and do not want to seek help in person.

I-DECIDE provided a safe, private, online space for women to assess their relationship, weigh up their priorities, and plan for a safer future.

I-DECIDE comprised: self-reflection exercises, priority-setting and problem-solving tools, safety assessments, and an individualised action plan tailored to each woman’s circumstances and choices.


What did the project achieve?

The I-DECIDE project developed a website based on research evidence, international experience, consultation with women and services. The website was evaluated with 430 women nationally through a randomised controlled trial funded by the Australian Research Council.

In addition, the project generated new knowledge about the benefits of online interventions for victim/survivors, and ethical and safe ways to work with victim/survivors in online trials.

Related publications

Hegarty, K., Tarzia, L., Valpied, J., Murray, E., Humphreys, C., Taft, A., Novy, K., Gold, L. & Glass, N. (2019) “An online healthy relationship tool and safety decision aid for women experiencing intimate partner violence (I-DECIDE): A randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Public Health 4(6), PE301-310

Tarzia, L., Cornelio, R., Forsdike, K. & Hegarty, K. (2018) “Women’s experiences receiving support online for intimate partner violence: How does it compare to face-to-face support from a health professional?" Interacting With Computers 30(5), 433-443

Tarzia, L., Iyer, D., Thrower, E. & Hegarty, K. (2017). “’Technology doesn’t judge you’: Young Australian women’s views on using the internet and smartphones to address intimate partner violence” Journal of Technology in Human Services 35(3), 199-218

Tarzia, L., Valpied, J., Koziol-McLain, J., Glass, N. & Hegarty, K. (2017) “Methodological and ethical challenges in an online randomised controlled trial of a domestic violence intervention” Journal of Medical Internet Research 19(3), e94

Tarzia, L., May, C. & Hegarty, K. (2016) “Assessing the feasibility of a web-based domestic violence intervention using chronic disease frameworks: reducing the burden of 'treatment' and promoting capacity for action in women abused by a partner.”  BMC Women's Health 16

Tarzia, L., Murray, E., Humphreys, C., Taft, A., Glass, N., Valpied, J. & Hegarty, K. (2015) “I-DECIDE: An online intervention drawing on the Psychosocial Readiness Model for women experiencing domestic violence” Women’s Health Issues 26 (2), 208-216

Hegarty, K., Tarzia, L., Murray, E., Valpied, J., Humphreys, C., Taft, A., Glass, N.  (2015) “Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a web-based healthy relationship tool and safety decision aid for women experiencing domestic violence (I-DECIDE)” BMC Public Health 15:736