Safer Families Centre

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Survivor of 24yrs

By Kitikat24

My 2 children and myself were abused for over 20yrs. My husband kicked me out last yr while I was in hospital fighting for my life. He kicked me out due to my health and disability issues. I thought the only place to go for abused women was a shelter and i couldnt do that to my children. I now live with my parents and have tried to take my life recently cause i tried to have him charged for abuse and rape. I did a statement and was will to go to crt. The police station was wonderful and supportive till they interviewed him and he denied everything and the male police officer believed him and since then his attitude to me has been awful. I strongly believe there needs to be a national tv campaign advertising what is out there to help women. Maybe if they new all the help available then at least one might leave and a life would be saved. I strongly believe victims need a voice and the power to face their abusers in crt but the police system needs to change. After my experience i dont believe this officer should be working for the socit team. We as survivers need a voice and need to be able to say no more and try and save lives. Im lucky i survived 24yrs. I still believe he wants to kill me but i wont hide anymore. If he really wants to get to me he will. He is pure evil and runs a company where its set up to help women who have been abused. We set it up together but unfortunately he is miss using it to get private details on scared women and goes to their houses alone. I want it stopped but no one will listen. He will rape again and i just dont know how to stop him. The police wont help so its just a matter of time. Before me he tried to strangle a girl and raped her. I am friends with her now and it just makes me so sad that with all the information i have i still cant have him charged. The system needs changing. I want to help save lives but i just dont know how. If anyone needs a voice i am here.