Safer Families Centre

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Tech Facilitated Violence - Give me my voice back

By Katzpurr

Three years ago i met a guy online and begun a relationship that lasted 3 weeks.. when i left he promised to make me sorry.

He had a Facebook page with over 7000 followers at the time plus other various pages that ran off the main one.. i also had my own for my home town of which he also was in control of.

I left him because his conversations and actions made me feel uncomfitable-he was a cleaner at a school.I had 2 children.

When i left he knocked me off my page and started publically displaying my mothers addressthat i was a drug addict,that i was a child molester and lots of other things - he totally humiliated me infront of 1000s of people many of which i knew personally.He then went on to make the same claims on his numerous facebook pages and would tag my name in so i would see the posts he made and when i would reply he would ban me so instead i was left to just 'read it'.

He made a page in my name with photos of my young children he had downloaded without my knowledge and then proceeded to make posts making it look as if i said what he wrote and what he wrote was that i molest my young daughter and enjoy it,that i sexually assault my son and need help and that i take drugs ect.

Upon seeing this page i went straight to police and applied for an avo which was granted and he was ordered not to talk about myself or my children via social media.

He continuly breached that order by posting photos of my kids on multuple websites off facebook and multiple pages on facebook and then would use a fake profile to message me the website or page link so i would see what he did.

He did this constantly every day every night,every month non stop.I would spend my nights trawling the web googling my name for websites where my name would appear and photos of my kids on different websires.i would then spend all day googling for how to get help to stop him

During the 3yrs he had over 90 fake facebook accounts.. that i knew of.

He was stealing all my time.. a year into it i found some other people he was dokng the same thing 2 - making pages naming us as peadophiles as drug users ect.he even posted that he was so distraught with being in a relationship with a female peadophile that he was now recieving councilling and that he felt dirty by being with me.he stated i admitted to him i was molesting my daughter and i asked him for help., everytime i reported a breach of avo orders the police would ask me "how can i prove its him?" How could i prove it wasnt someone else pretending to be him..

He would have these bizzare conversations on his pages claiming he was with police at my front gate ready to come in and take my children away he was never at my house.he continually told i dont know how many page follwers that i was about to lose my children to child services because i was sick and molesting my daughter.

He made a poster with my photo and a big WANTED on top then.. this lady is wanted by police please call 000 if you see her and posted it all places on the web.

He would send me messages asking why i was giving oral sex to my 11yr olson.messages saying he would shoot me if he seen me in his town

He would put on his prsonal page that he was on his way to find me and change his location to my home town.. so it appeared as if he was in my home town.

I kept pleading with the police in his town to breach him but they kept telling me they had spoken to him and he told them it wasnt him but someone else pretending to be him.

I just wanted him to stop,i needed someone to hear' me..

I had earlier emailed a service that deals with youth law and because this guy had included my children they agreed to help me but he continued on.

That service emailed me months and montgs later asking if id agree to go on air about cyberbullying but unfortunatly they radio station wanted stories from 18 and under.. he asked me how i was going but i told him the same stuff was still happening.

It was months later i was at the trainstation and a friend had rung me to say she had seen my photo and name on a new website i was crushed,i was so tired of fighting to get someone to make him stop that i looked at the teain coming and thought about jumping in front of it .. just a step infront and all would stop.

But then i thought i wanted my daughter to grow up knowing if anything like this happened to then she should fight to be heard until it stopped.. i promised myself from then on id just keep speaking up til somebody heard me and could help.

But as time went on i grew depressed more .. thankfully a friend noticed and called the service i originally got some help from and they contacted me and we arranged a meeting.

I got there and they listened really listened to me. I felt better.

Meetings were then arranged with the appropriate top people from the social media site he used the most to harrass me and lawyers that specialized in cyber crime and my solicitor.

Months later he eventually stopped and the federal police confiscated his electronic devices.

It would have been so easy to not do anything and just keep allowing it to happen the hardest thing was committing to keep speaking up to different people until they took me seriously..

Tech facilitated dv is growing and the police for one need training in how to deal with this kind of behaviour.

Telling people to ignore it is not good enough EVER..

I will be forever greatful to my friend who took notice that i was' really 'low' and who potentially saved my life by making that 1 phonecall ..

To the service that helped me and that listened to me im forever greatful.